Ali Norden_Docky Barn Cafe_drinks loyalty card

Docky Barn Cafe brand

In 2021, I got to work with a cafe that opened just outside of Cambridge. Being new, they needed a brand identity and help bringing it to life. I initially presented a few concepts and here you can see what was taken forward and rolled out. The “DB” cup logomark is key to their look.

Designs I put together included wayfinding signs at the site, loyalty cards, a sticker for packaging, social media icons and wall and window vinyls. One wall vinyl I put designed gives a little story behind the name and you will see the logomark dotted in places like the end of the story, doors and on menu clipboards.

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Ali Norden_Docky Barn Cafe_stickers
Ali Norden_Docky Barn Cafe_story_wall vinyl
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Ali Norden_Docky Barn Cafe_Instagram
Ali Norden_Docky Barn Cafe_road signs